A praxeological look to research experience developed around the project “Characterization of the teaching practices of the Faculty of Education UNIMINUTO”

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Nadia Paola Acosta Marroquín
Zaily Del Pilar García Gutiérrez
Benjamín Barón Velandia


The teaching practices of university teaching have acquired a growing interest in the academic community, given its impact on the formation of future professionals. Particularly the education faculties are gathered to reflect about this practice as a starting point for qualification; all this within the context of the recent restructuring issued by the Ministry of National Education to ensure the optimization of the formation of teachers in Colombia. The Faculty of Education of the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios —in accordance with these needs and consistently with its institutional mission— developed the research project “Characterization of the teaching practices of the Faculty of Education of the Corporación Universitario Minuto de Dios—UNIMINUTO,”; this consist of a research experience within the framework of praxeology, which will become a valuable learning opportunity for both guest lecturers and research subjects, as well as for the team of research teachers.
Author Biographies

Nadia Paola Acosta Marroquín, Universidad Libre.

Licenciada en Pedagogía Infantil de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Magister en Investigación Social Interdisciplinaria de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. DocenteInvestigadora en la Facultad Ciencias de la Educación.

Zaily Del Pilar García Gutiérrez, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Magíster en Comunicación Educativa de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Doctoranda en Educación: Currículum, profesorado e instituciones educativas de la Universidad de Granada España. Docente-Investigadora en la Facultad de Educación.

Benjamín Barón Velandia, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Candidato a Doctor en Educación de la Universidad Central de Nicaragua. Docente-Investigador en la Facultad de Educación. Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios- UNIMINUTO. Fundador y Vicepresidente de la Fundación para la Calidad Educativa-FUCAED.

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