Diderot na era dos pixels. Fotografia, memória e identidade no século XXI

Conteúdo do artigo principal

Ariel Arnal


Photography, as a continuation of the traditional engraving and repository of memory, has been from
the beginning a tool for the construction of identity, thus complying with the visual canons imposed by
the Enlightenment. When we speak of the past of photography, we necessarily speak of memory. That
memory can be individual or collective. It is from there that we build historical identity, from that memory
that we recreate over and over again. From the epistemological bases of Encyclopedism, photography has
been inescapably part of that identity construction. At the beginning of the 21st century, the western
encyclopedic tradition undergoes a true gnoseological transformation. The digital revolution forces us to
reflect on the way we build memory and identity


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