Thinking About Peace from Communication: From Johan Galtung's Culture of Peace to Communicative Justice

Main Article Content

Joan Pedro-Carañana
Ángel Carrasco-Campos
Eliana Herrera-Huérfano


Peace requires commitment, and those committed to peace, both in theory and practice, are well aware of the central importance of communication for the just transformation of social reality and the prevention, management, and resolution of conflicts. Commitment to peace necessitates an ethical disposition: we can choose to face conflicts by competing to determine winners and losers, or by cooperating to achieve collective benefits. Competition often leads to violence, whether through the exercise of physical or direct violence, the development of structural and institutional violence that consolidates the dominance of one party, or through cultural and communicative violence that legitimizes, reproduces, and promotes other forms of violence. In contrast, cooperation is oriented toward building social justice as a means to prevent violence by addressing the needs of all parties involved.

Author Biography

Joan Pedro-Carañana, Complutense University of Madrid

Doctor por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid


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