Bombozila and the Tambor project

Main Article Content

Frederico Augusto dos Santos Ângelo


This article aims to analyze the fight for health rights during the Covid-19 Pandemic through the documentary series Na Fila do SUS produced and distributed by the independent video streaming platform Bombozila. Through the series we try to identify the struggle of groups for the right to health, citizenship and memory. The proposal is to bring audiovisual records of social groups forgotten by the Unified Health System, based on decolonial and collective production. To understand the Tambor project on the Bombozila platform, we sought the idea of bastard culture from Rincón (2012) and Martins (2022) spiraling time. And we seek through the series to understand how minority groups, through the project proposal, build through images from a documentary production Gaskell (2011) a historical record in the form of a complaint, suffer the lack of assistance to this portion of the population, the rights of minorities Huyssen (2014 ), health and how media time Barbosa (2017), helps in the construction of this narrative.

Author Biography

Frederico Augusto dos Santos Ângelo, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais UFMG

PhD candidate and Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Social Communication at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). Specialist in Images and Media Cultures from UFMG. Member of the Research Group Comcult: Communication, Culture, and Televisuality (UFMG, CNPq). Member of the MSA (Memory Studies Association), Latin America Regional Group of the MSA, Rememora Group. Bachelor’s in Multimedia Production from UNI-BH. Project "Memory Network Minas," a video platform about the TV Minas archive, and digital media archive consulting at the TV Minas Cultural and Educational Foundation. His research focuses on various topics in Communication and Culture, particularly: television, televisualities, visual culture studies, television studies in Brazil and Latin America, communication and culture, imaginaries, Blackness, memory, temporality, and streaming.


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