Venezuelan immigrant luxury consumption in the city of Medellin from the perceptions of consumers
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One of the most meaningful mobilization of these last years has been the Venezuelan immigration to Colombia because of the economic and social circumstances of the natal country. A large amount of people has taken the decision to migrate, with the aim of keeping the lifestyle they had in their native country at certain moment. e goal of this qualitative study with phenomenological method is to identify the dynamics and practice related with the Luxury consumption of the Venezuelans who reside in Medellín, A type of luxury that with the past of time, the technological advances and the social networks, has become not only earmarked to the elite, but has become to a more affordable, this is something that some authors defined as luxury democratization. An interview semi-structured was made with the goal to identify the motives of migration, lifestyle, and consumption behavior of 10 Venezuelan migrants residents in Medellín for more than 4 years. e answers obtained reveal the different situations and experiences that have been through the interviewees in their migratory process and the achievements obtained in Medellín. ese achievements have led them to a better lifestyle and economic stability that grant them to consume some luxury items. ey have achieved certain socio-economical status that allow them to generate not only a survival consumption like the imaginary that people have about the migrants, but a more luxury consumption according to their actual situation.
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