Oaxacalifornia: Indigenous transnational spaces as Grassroots Cosmopolitanism

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Antonieta Mercado


Paradoxically both immigration and indigeneity are common conditions for exclusion from full citizenship in contemporary settler nation-states. Marginalized populations such as immigrants and Indigenous groups, resist the homogenizing rules dictated by dominant notions of culture and citizenship deployed by settler colonial states, entailing often hegemonic practices of control from institutions, such as the school and media.  This essay discusses the creation of a transborder space between Mexico and the US named “Oaxacalifornia”. This “deterritorial” space was named and is maintained by Mexican Indigenous migrants from the state of Oaxaca who spend their daily lives interacting through communicative and civic practices of resurgence and solidarity. These practices enable the interaction with multiple locations and groups of people, fostering grassroots cosmopolitanism, or a worldly engagement challenging the oppressive forces of globalization, such as the state, the dominant cultural spheres, and the market; and the creation of spaces of diversity, resurgence, and solidarity.

Author Biography

Antonieta Mercado, Universidad de San Diego

Ph.D. in Communication from the University of California, San Diego.

Associate Professor of Communication and Social Justice in the Department of Communication.

Director of the Latin American Studies Program.

University of San Diego, United States.



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