When the nation is written from orality the case of the children’s audiovisual School of Belén de los Andaquíes

Main Article Content

Óscar Javier Bermúdez Bolívar


The Children’s Audiovisual School of Belén de los Andaquíes is an experience of content creation in which children narrate their vision of the territory and tell their subjectivity from the audiovisual lan­guage. This article approaches the experience from a narrative perspective and intends to decipher the keys that make up its story, including orality and its continued appropriation of other languages and narrative codes. This text draws on arguments to explain why experiences such as the Children’s Audiovisual School propose different ways to re­write the nation from the regions of the country. This article is derived from some of the reflections that emerged from the master’s thesis titled “Rebel Orality. The Children’s Audiovisual School Case”, research carried out within the framework of the master’s degree in Literature of the Javeriana University.

Author Biography

Óscar Javier Bermúdez Bolívar, Universidad Javeriana

Comunicador social. Magíster en Literatura de la Universidad Javeriana. Especialista en Comunicación-Educación de la Uni­versidad Central. Su recorrido profesional se ha enfocado en la producción de contenidos sonoros y en el acompañamiento a comunidades en el diseño y ejecución de estrategias de comu­nicación y de creación de contenidos culturales. Actualmente se desempeña como asesor de la Dirección de Comunicaciones del Ministerio de Cultura.

