Studying social media networks: theoretical perspectives for an analysis.

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Juan Camilo Gómez-Barrera


Currently, the online social networks have been studied by diverse studies and research. As a consequence, there is a lot of research in data bases that highligts analytical interest in social media through certain specific conceptual frameworks and theoretical referents. As a result, this paper aims to show two specific frameworks that allow to understand and to study social networks around the problem of machines and their relationship with social and political problems. These frameworks, hence, allow to analyze other problems beyond the main problems and topics that are common in the studies that appear in specialized journals. In sum, the aim is to expose two frameworks that allow to answer questions like: What is an online social network? And what is its relation to the social and political spheres?

Author Biography

Juan Camilo Gómez-Barrera, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Magíster en Comunicación y Cultura

Facultad de Ciencias Sociales-Universidad de Buenos Aires



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