The sound of technology, orchestration of cyberculture: a concept of technology from the cultural perspective

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Ruth Molina Vásquez


The relationship between culture and technology is becoming close by which this paper seeks to show how from two particular sounds represented by the technology and culture, begins to form a universal melody: cyberculture. Initially it shows the way these two concepts evolve from a theoretical and instrumental scattering respectively, representing two opposite poles of human knowledge into concepts, rather than consistent, complementary.

It comes therefore as it has evolved the concept of technology from the technical view, to be considered as a complex system, composed of materials, human agents and transformations, as a cultural artifact that contributes to social construction. Meanwhile the concept of culture happens to be the manifestation and learning behavior to be a semiotic process of interpretation consists of a web of meanings that are socially constructed, from there, you begin to unravel how technology has led to the advent of a new concept of culture, originating in cyberspace and cyberculture has become known in which clump enriching elements on one side of the humanistic approach to technology and the other, the symbolic approach to culture.

Finally, it raises the question of the role of schools in this process of generation of cultural processes from technology, not only from practice but particularly from their understanding and adopting a critical stance. So cyberculture becomes a symphony written by thousands, millions of composers who in turn are in charge of his orchestration. Passive spectators are gone, we are all active participants and builders of this culture.

This document is the product of reflection at the Seminar on Science Education and Culture, in the Interinstitutional Doctorate in Education from the University Francisco José de Caldas, directed by Dr. Adela Molina.

Technology, culture, cyberculture.