Images and (in)visibilities: notes on the visualities of Brazilian immigration in Portugal
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Brazilian immigrants are nowadays the largest immigrant community in Portugal. After a period of deceleration of this migratory route, from the mid-second decade of the 21st century, statistical data show that the number of entries of Brazilian immigrants documented in Portugal began to show a growth trend. Following this new flow, which has already been interpreted as a third or even fourth wave of the migratory flow from Brazil to Portugal, it is observed, at the same time, there is a growing interest of the Brazilian and Portuguese media in producing audiovisual content in which these migrations and their subjects are represented. It is in this context of the growth of Brazilian immigration in Portugal, on the one hand, and the increased interest of the Brazilian and Portuguese media in exploring the phenomenon, on the other, in which this work is included. From previous empirical research, this paper aims to offer a more comprehensive reflection on the visuality of migrants and migratory processes. In this sense, inserting itself in a space of disciplinary intersection between Cultural Studies, Communication Sciences and Visual Culture, this work discusses some observed trends that support constructions of the visuality of migrants, such as the change of agency of visual discourse, the structuring of images according to the precepts of visual storytelling and the hyperrealistic configuration of images.
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