An accompanying experience from pedagogical praxeology

Main Article Content

Hilda Marlén Rubio González


This article describes the works that was done by UNIMINUTO in four places in Cundinamarca: La Calera, Guasca, Guatavita, Cachipay, this work was done taking as teorical point of view the praxeology, the metodology used followed the four moments in the praxeology (to see, to judge, to act and the creative work) this work helped to increase and consolidate the changes in the process for the institutions. and also for the people involved in the process.   

Author Biography

Hilda Marlén Rubio González, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Psicóloga Universidad Católica. Especialista en Educación Sexual, Universidad Francisco José de Caldas. Maestría en Historia de la Educación y de la Pedagogía, universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Docente de la Facultad de Educación de UNIMINUTO. 

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