Handcrafted Photographic Processes: artistic and formative experiences to make and think the images in the present time.

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Maria Cristina Miranda da Silva


As a result of the excessive, saturated and homogenizing production of images in contemporary times,
several artists have been using historical and handcrafted photographic processes to problematize the
photographic image and reflect on the artistic creation. These questions support the research being
developed in the Photographic Investigations Project carried out at the Application College of the Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro since 2013, involving teaching, research and extension activities in basic
education and in initial and continuing teacher training. The ongoing research is developed along three
axes: a) mapping of artistic and formative experiences, in the area of art and education, involving the
production, enjoyment and resignification of the photographic image in contemporary times; b) the
development of experimentation activities and experience of artisanal photographic processes; and c)
reflection on the activities mapped and developed in teaching, research and extension in basic education
and in initial and continuing teacher education. The goal here is to research handcrafted photographic
processes in the construction of artistic and formative poetics in relation to art teaching, reflecting on the
educational process in relation to photography, art, its experiments and interactions with technologies
and the production and distribution of the photographic image in everyday life and in contemporary


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