Breaking the Borders, Searching for the Subject. A Theoretical and Methodological Proposal for Approaching the Communicative Dimension in the Political Practices of Social Movements

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Valeria Meirovich


This article presents a theoretical and methodological proposal for the study of communicative practices of social movements. This proposal was the result of a posgraduate research project which addressed, through a case study, the communicative aspect in the political practice of the Movimiento Campesino de Córdoba (Córdoba’s Peasant Movement). The proposal is based on two main premises for the construction of the subject of inquiry and the theoretical perspective to approach it: the acknowledgement of the historical, dynamic and changing nature of any object of research, and the need to revise the disciplinary compartmentalization logics that have set the fields of work within the science arena. Likewise, the definition of categories and dimensions for the analysis, along with the option for particular methodologies, techniques and procedures make possible the construction on a solid and productive structure for the study of the communicative practices of the social movements and the senses emerging, acquiring a public nature in the process. 


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