Epistemic and meta methodological of research in communication conditions

Main Article Content

Carlos Del Valle Rojas


Talking about methodologies of research is broad and pretentious, because we are going to talk about methodologies that correspond to certain techniques used in the field of research in communication. The methodology in this regard also has a lot of strategy, not just a presentation of techniques or devices, but also a strategy used by each researcher to be able to interact with the object-corpus or any object/subject that is parsed. In the same direction, it is important to ask ourselves to what extent the methodologies one is working with attend in a good way to an object of study, since that object is a theoretical construct.

Author Biography

Carlos Del Valle Rojas, Universidad de la Frontera

Periodista, Magíster en comunicación, Universidad de la Frontera, Chile. Doctor en Comunicación de la Universidad de Sevilla, España. Posdoctorado en Estudios Culturales por la Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro, Brasil. Investigador en comunicación, educación e interculturalidad. Es autor y Co-autor de más de 130 publicaciones. Investigador acreditado en CONICYT de Chile. CNPq de Brasil y SICA de España. Decano de la Facultad de Educación, Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Universidad de la Frontera.  

