New challenge: the development of social competition for peaceful coexistence

Main Article Content

Rocío Ramírez Ibagon
Rosa Isabel Galvis Vargas


The present document describes the experiences obtained from the initiation of the Basic Development for Reconstruction of Social Abilities with Emphasis on Peaceful Co-Existence Programme. The programme includes young people who have enrolled in the National Reinsertion Programme to obtain their Secundary school Degree. It offers a profile of the population, a recount of the reasons why children and young people participate in armed conflict and also describes the reasons that influence their return. Finally, the paper makes mention of the alms and achievements of said experiences. 
Author Biographies

Rocío Ramírez Ibagon, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Licenciada en educación básica con énfasis en estética. Coordinadora de práctica profesional. Docente de tiempo completo en UNIMINUTO. 

Rosa Isabel Galvis Vargas, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Psicóloga de la Universidad Inca de Colombia. Psicóloga del Centro Educativo de Nuestra Señora de la Paz. Docente de UNIMINUTO.   

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