Pedagogy in Cuba: notes for reflection

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Oriniel Martínez Ibarra
Rosa María Massón Cruz


The article presented theoretical reflections on the debate of pedagogy as science in Cuba over the past six decades, taking as reference the publications that artillerist is fundamentally have. Theoretical reflections are based on two axes: what are the hallmarks of pedagogy as science in Cuban debate? What issues and topics are included in pedagogical research? The analysis of these axes led to final considerations. For the development of reflections on the approach to the problem, we follow the logic of determining periods, this is part of the research tradition in Cuba, where the relationship of education with the context marks a guideline in studies on the subject. The stages that were established for analysis were: the genesis of a conception, the nineties other spaces for analysis and proposals, the 21st century what continues and what is incorporated into the debate on pedagogy. These stages follow the logic of the development of the texts consulted, without a temporal criterion, each of them identified groups of researchers and texts with greater dissemination, which prevails from one stage to another to where possible, the influence of one collective and/or educator with respect to another. It was considered appropriate, not only to describe reality and point out researchers and texts, but also to record the ideas underpinning the Cuban conception.


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