Emerging universities in Brazil experiences of Unila, UFSB and UFFS

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Rafael Arenhaldt
Maria Elly Herz Genro
Jaime José Zitkoski
Elizabeth Diefenthaeler Krahe
Lúcio Jorge Hammes
Nádia Fátima dos Santos Bucco
Bernardo Sfredo Miorando
Camila Tomazzoni Marcarini
Claudete Lampert Gruginskie
Henrique Safady Maffei
Nilson Carlos da Rosa
Renata Castro Gusmão
Vanessa Porciuncula
Carlos Alessandro da Silveira
Lilo Gonzales Dermann
Jurema Garcia Machado


This essay is the result of the research University, Political
Formation and Living Well: A Study of the Projects of Emerging Universities in Brazil against the backdrop of the experiences of three universities recently created in Brazil: the University of Latin American Integration (Unila), the Federal University of Southern Border (UFFS) and the Federal University of Southern Bahia (UFSB). It highlights disruptive historical elements in the processes of construction of Brazilian universities and their instituting movements in emerging contexts, focusing on the dimensions of interdisciplinarity; of articulation of teaching,
research and extension and of dialogue with the community.
To this end, this qualitative essay consisted of a bibliographicdocumentary analysis of the institutions studied in dialogue with Goergen, Laval, Martins, Santos and Trindade. The results indicate that these universities have followed the current trends of universalization of higher education, inclusive, interdisciplinary and with social commitment. In Brazil, these experiences walk between the "certainties of the past and uncertainties of the future", aware that government actions with constitutional changes, budget cuts and restrictions to academic freedoms and university autonomy, represent a setback in the constructions that emerged from these new university projects.

University, Higher Education, Experiences, Emerging


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