Emerging pedagogies as tool for reading comprehension of the Cátedra Minuto de Dios course
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The purpose of this article is to present the study carried out with the Minuto de Dios course at UNIMINUTO, giving way to illustrate how emerging pedagogies impact on the strengthening of reading comprehension in students, as they are tool to upgrade of strategies and dynamics used by teachers based on active methodologies with greater dynamism and interaction, contributing significantly to cognitive, linguistic, critical and character skills, in order to
achieve an integral and human formation of the institutional mission.
This is how it is part of a research with a qualitative approach, which allows contemplating the context inside and outside the virtual learning environment, analyzing the perception and knowledge of emerging pedagogies, as well as their relationship with reading comprehension, seeking to strengthen of this, through the active methodologies as a tool for the reading processes in the course Cátedra Minuto de Dios.
Results are presented that show the positive impact of the use and implementation of emerging pedagogies such as Design Thinking, Gamification and Inverted Learning in the students and teachers who interact in the course.
Likewise, these methodological strategies that reveal findings on the perception of reading comprehension skills of the actors, the use of ICT in virtuality, the management of change in teaching practice, academic achievement, and
assertive communication.
Finally, as part of the conclusions, the design and implementation of reading comprehension workshops associated with the area of knowledge taught in the course is proposed, as a transversal learning proposal, related to virtuality, which allows the strengthening of linguistic, digital, and critical skills in students and teachers, based on the appropriation of contemporary models, in this case, emerging pedagogies.
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