Challenges and coexistence challenges within the classroom in times of pandemic

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Luz Mónica Banoy
María Sonia Daza
César Leonardo Rueda


This research article reports the results obtained through the research project "Estrategias didácticas para afrontar situaciones de convivencia escolar", which allowed the identification of the main strategies used by teachers to minimize disruptive situations in the classroom. For this purpose, population samples were taken from ten students selected by educational institution belonging to the third and tenth grades of elementary school. In addition, ten teachers from the same grades in two Colombian educational institutions located in Bogotá and Bucaramanga, respectively, with dissimilar socioeconomic contexts, were approached. The type of research was qualitative and descriptive, supported by analysis and pedagogical reflection through virtual questionnaires. The above, given the circumstances due to the appearance of the COVID 19 pandemic, and which served, at the same time, to rethink new challenges that in terms of coexistence and school conflicts must be assumed, transformed the educational environments from the virtuality. Likewise, the results of the research showed that the most frequent disruptive situations inside classrooms are centered on disorder,unpunctuality and excessive homework, among others. It was seen that in the face of negative situations of coexistence it is essential to recognize the importance of manuals designed for this purpose in schools and to resort to dialogue as a fundamental mediator for conflict resolution. Concluding that in the classroom collaborative learning should be prioritized as one of the best pedagogical strategies, since it enhances leadership, synergy and teamwork; positively impacting teachers and students in the face of disruptive situations of coexistence.

classrooms, disruptive situations, pandemic, school coexistence


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