Dancing in the diversity: reflections about the inclusion and pertinence of the diversity in the artistic and dancingeducation

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Carolina Caballero Segura


This article, as the result of a qualitative and descriptive inquiry, raises some reflections on inclusive contemporary dance. The brief seeks to articulate academic research to the artistic and pedagogical experience that is encouraged in this field in Colombia. Specifically, the investigation focus on the work of ConCuerpos, an organization that brings together people with and without disabilities, through dance and promotes an inclusive dance culture. Thus it is proposed that the inclusive contemporary dance offers an understanding and affirmation of the body in its diversity. When considering contemporary dance as a practice that poses a pedagogy for the body, promoting creativity and collective work, it is argued that recognition, appreciation and respect for differences among people are key tools to the student to do a Bachelor of Arts.In this sense, the reflection seeks to explain the possibilities offered by contemporary dance to the challenge of inclusion, and initiate a discussion on this topic in academic areas of teacher training in dance.

In a Bachelor of Arts, where dance becomes an important part of its contents, the challenge of inclusion is paramount to be understood and elaborated by future teachers. As an added bonus, the article hopes to contribute to the understanding of society as complex network of relationships in which the discussion on the inclusion opens up possibilities to create more human and participatory societies through dance and art in general.

Inclusive contemporary dance, body, pedagogy, teaching dance, disability, disability studies.