The culture of violence in Chile

Main Article Content

Jorge Vergara Estévez


A "culture of violence" in Chile is o social fabric and a lifestyle in which violence becomes a recurring well established mean within social relations and day-to-day interactions. In the first port, we consider the historical background on the social and political violence from the Conquest period through the 1973 military coup; then we describe the main features of the Chilean political repression system. In the last section, we describe the predominant expressions taken on by social and workaday violence and elicit a hypothesis interpreting the dramatic increase of these forms of violence during the authoritarian political period. 

Author Biography

Jorge Vergara Estévez, Universidad de Chile

Es Magíster y Candidato o Doctorado en Filosofía de lo Universidad de París VIII. Profesor de lo Universidad de Chile. Investigador en filosofía y teoría política. Miembro de lo comisión de Epistemología y Político en CLACSO.