With regard to the article: the education of the man and the citizen of Adela Cortina

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Aída Sotelo Céspedes


This comment from Adela Cortina's text "Mans and citizens moral education", brings together some of the arguments that demonstrate the invasion that has suffered the philosophical elaboration and particularly the reflections about ethics from the un-reflexive confidence of the process that some of researchers believe in seeing the conductismo and the cognitism. As well as the advanced scientific formulas whose methods allow fabricating moral subjects.

With some examples and quotes of others who are interested in the subject, the author emphasises in the need to distinguish two elements: 1) the unpredictable truth of the ethical act, which changes the coordinates of good. It also can also be judged by a rational way and universal criteria (defence of Kant opposed to the invective against him, made by Cortina). 2) The moral collective codes that pretend to teach a foreseen good, an instituted knowledge over what would be moral or not; which was the same for everyone and for all times.

Author Biography

Aída Sotelo Céspedes, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Psicoanalista, escritora, médica cirujano, especialista en ético, docente universitario y estudioso de lo cultura, dedicado o ubicar los campos del goce, del sujeto y del otro del lenguaje, mediante elaboraciones psicoanalíticas de las manifestaciones de lo ético, lo político y lo ideología contemporáneos. Ha publicado ensayos en las revistos académicas de la Escuela de Estudios en Psicoanálisis y Cultura de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanos de lo Universidad Nacional de Colombia; también en Esfera, revista de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas.