The identity of the new U.S. Critical films

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Jorge Vergara Estévez


The diversification of cinematographic production around the world makes more relevant the question for the cultural identity of the contemporary movie. Throughout last years has emerged a new U.S. critical film both as new directors as renowned ones. The production of a diverse styles and topics shares a critical attitude towards American society, not only his foremost institutions but also his life styles. This study analyses 20 films produced between 1998 and 2008 as if they were mythemes, which are particular myths that constitute a large myth, in searching explain their “conventions” from a perspective near to sociology of art by Arnold Hauser. The article reveals that the critical sense showed in this group of films is a kind of Comedie humaine about contemporary U.S. society.

Author Biography

Jorge Vergara Estévez, Universidad de Chile

Doctor en Filosofía de la Universidad de París VIII. Profesor del Departamento de Sociología de la Universidad de Chile.
Miembro del Comité Científico de la Revista Polisemia e investigador asociado del Grupo de Investigación “Ciudadanía, paz y desarrollo” de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios (Uniminuto).