Theoretical foundation on emotional intelligence and its management through theatre in primary basic education

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Yasmin Liliana Pinto Lara
Diana Marcela Rodríguez Castro
Wendy Natalia Sarmiento Sanabria


The present study addresses the theoretical foundation around emotional intelligence and its management through theater education from an early age. Various authors contextualize us about the importance of knowledge, management and management of emotions. We identify the importance of education in emotions in primary school children and its relationship with the appropriate management of situations present in everyday life. In addition, we refer to the statements and theories around the importance of education in the performing arts, particularly theater, in school environments, as well as its relationship with the management of emotions.

The study of these topics aims to identify the possibilities that education in emotional intelligence through theater can provide in primary school children. We find a relationship between the purposes of teaching emotional intelligence and theater, converging on the recognition and management of emotions. Finally, it is evident that the recognition, management and practice of emotions are fundamental elements for the comprehensive development of children in basic primary education and that through theater spaces for appropriation, channeling and management of these can be generated, thus strengthening social aspects. of the individual.


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