vocational orientation of the student in the high school of sports talent. Independence municipality, Yaracuy State

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José Alejandro Albis Lucena


This research was framed in the research line of foundations and praxis of guidance. Thematic area: Vocational guidance, which had the purpose of revealing the process of vocational guidance of the student at the Liceo De Talento Deportivo, from the methodological point of view it corresponded to a qualitative field investigation, a real situation was studied referring to an onto-epistemic design , with an in-depth interview to collect pertinent information from four key informants: The counselor, academic teacher, sports teacher and student-athlete, who showed qualities to rediscover the existing situation. Supported by various theorists, Parsons (1908), Super (1953) and Holland (1959). Technique and instrument were applied such as: in-depth interview, direct observation; This instrument consisted of 6 open questions applied to these key subjects. Once all the information was collected, the results were analyzed and interpreted using the triangulation of theoretical sources and informants that allowed the final reflections to be established from the phenomenon studied. It is concluded that vocational guidance is not given properly in the sports institution since the counselor, coaches and academic teachers do not take into account the skills and competencies of the young people, thus making them understand the great importance that knowing themselves internally has for them. make them conscious participants in their decision, achieve significant good progress in terms of vocational guidance, so the student will be able to identify their aptitudes, abilities, interests and abilities, which will allow them to make the decision that changes their life projection.


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