Teaching FLE for motivational purposes: A study in a non-formal and andragogical context

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Angie Katheryne Ardila Garcia


This article presents the results obtained from the research entitled "Strengthening motivation in teaching French as a foreign language (FLE) in a non-formal and andragogical educational context at level 1A" and located in the virtual repository of the same since 2020. The study focused on the implementation of a motivational approach in an andragogical group of beginner-level FLE students. At the methodological level, the study was of a mixed nature with a methodological basis of action research as a contribution to the phenomenon of the didactics of FLE teaching. As results of the research, it was identified that the proposal allowed to fulfil the educational, motivational and learning objectives of the studied andragogic group and also to avoid the educational desertion of the participants.


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