ChatGPT and its use to improve academic writing in postgraduate students

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Daniel Roman Acosta
Esteban Rodríguez Torres
Martha Beatriz Baquedano Montoya
Lilibeth Carolina López Zavala
Alfredo Javier Pérez Gamboa


At present, Artificial Intelligence has revolutionized various social spheres, and in this sense, contexts related to the field of science and knowledge are not exempt. However, it is necessary to continue studying and deepening its understanding because its transformation and progress are advancing at accelerated rates. Therefore, the objective of this study is to describe the results obtained through the research carried out by the Platform for Action, Management, and Social Research (PLAGCIS), which refer to the use of ChatGPT to enhance academic writing in postgraduate students. To this end, a quantitative approach was adopted, and descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was employed to obtain the results. Thus, the findings reveal that a minority percentage of students receive regular training on the ethical use of the tool. This highlights the need to implement training and awareness programs that address the ethical implications of using ChatGPT in academic writing.


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