Language learning, an engine of development systematic review of literature

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Fernanda Sacoto
Verónica M. Guillen.
Isabel Hevia Artime


Language development is essential for humans, as this component plays a relevant role at the cognitive, social, and cultural levels. It allows individuals to express intentions, stabilize them, and turn them into actions (Ríos, 2020, p. 3). Therefore, when factors that put language development at risk arise, it is necessary to implement treatments and even public policies to improve people's linguistic skills.

Considering the above, although different forms of intervention have developed to integrate deaf people into the oral community, this has not been achieved in its entirety, as mentioned by the World Federation of the Deaf in its stance on linguistic rights. In recent times, sociocultural approaches are generated to allow deaf people to use sign language as a basis for learning other linguistic skills, such as reading and writing of oral languages.

To determine the experiences and results achieved in these processes of learning an oral language by using sign language as a basis, we have done a systematic literature review based on the method presented by Kitchenham (2004). The review was focus into three (3) stages: planning, selection, and results. It was also linked to sections or structured topics in the methodology Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses- PRISMA.


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