Teaching competencies A challenge for the teaching of administrative sciences

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Diana Lucia Saquisari-Armijos
Félix Segundo Rosales-Cortes
Jacinto Gregorio Navas-Coveña


The next, in part, responds to the invitations manifested in the documentary review on the debate oriented to the understanding of the objective and technical knowledge of the administrative discipline, also to the development of training proposals and teacher updating located in the study of pedagogical approaches that privilege active learning and use ict as instrumental tools at the service of this discipline. In an apparent neglect of the teaching competencies for the teaching of administrative sciences, a structural void is revealed that gives way to the concern: What ict teaching competencies should be developed for the teaching of administrative sciences? This article proposes a conceptual framework on ict teaching competencies for the teaching of administrative sciences, based on the interpretation and contrast of qualitative data from the documentary review, other previous research and the intersubjective experience in virtual training activities. It is provisionally concluded that the proposal for "Digital Pedagogical Competences in Administration" (cpda, for its acronym in Spanish) describes an emerging framework that, supported by a prism-type graphic model, suggests a series of substantial theoretical approaches focused on the complex integration of four guiding categories associated with the instrumental, structural, experiential and innovation domains, three contextual categories, three processual categories, and their concept-indicators; that outline the teaching competencies in ict for the teaching of administrative sciences. It is recommended the deepening oriented to new approaches that enrich this construct in the field of teaching administrative sciences.


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