Acción, evaluación y reflexión. De la contemplación a la expresión: una ruta del pensamiento

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Julián Andrés Celis Roa
Yesid Fernando Parada Moreno
Heriberto Ríos Álvarez


This article gathers some of the reflections from the results of the research: “Formative evaluation in learning environments as a strategy for the development of communication skills”, which pedagogical foundation is based on the conceptual framework of teaching for understanding. The proposal is part of a qualitative research pardigm and an action reseach approach, its objective is the generation of principles of action to guide the teaching labor in the construction of didactics that promote and enable the development of thought in the classroom. It is presented the way in which learning environments are designed for the development of thinking through the exercise of Reading, writing and oral skills. It will be shown, how with the generation of interaction situation it is intended that the student be aware of his communicative potential, in thus, learn to behave in different communication contexts by recognizing the assessment as mean to make visible his understanding and learning process. Finally, a series of criteria are proposed (as a recommendation) to rethink the action of the teacher in the classroom who in turn becomes an evaluated subject and sees in the assessment an opportunity to transform and reinvent his teaching.


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