Teaching Learning Strategies in the Academic Tutoring of the Accompaniment and Continuity Area (MAIE) in Uniminuto Main Seat
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This paper follows a descriptive design. It presents the teaching of learning strategies by eight tutors of the Accompaniment and Continuity Area (MAIE), to students who attended academic tutoring sessions during the 2017-2 term. To gather information, the authors created a systematization card to record the subject matter students had difficulties with, as well as the learning strategy used, the technique and the procedure addressed by the tutor to cope with such difficulties. As a result, you can see the use of mnemonic, creation and code organization strategies. There is a predominant use of techniques such as intracontent relation, metaphor, charts, keywords, concept maps, acrostics and acronyms. It can be stated that teaching learning strategies in the tutoring session contributes to learning-to-learn processes. Both students and tutors can acquire and develop their own skills, as well as overcome topic difficulties, in order to achieve academic success, on the basis of adjusting the teaching and learning process to students’ needs.
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