The Role of Teachers’ Evaluation Within Mexico’s Complex Education System
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The authors of this article revisit aspects that provide a context for teachers’ evaluation during the second half of the twentieth century in Mexico (particularly in the State of Mexico). They also analyze this process as a part of the complex education system. The authors conducted a documentary study of different sources focused in Niklas Luhman’s theory of systems, in order to understand the education system as a component of social systems. They also analyzed the process experienced by the evaluation of education, the position of the snte in the reconstruction of this process, and the statistics of teachers’ participation in teaching evaluation. The analysis of data shows that the main purpose of teaching evaluation is to increase the quality of education in Mexico. It also shows that it has a strong impact in teachers’ steady work, and how the snte is actively involved in teaching and accompanying their members in the complex way of evaluation. The results show a need of improvement in key aspects of teaching evaluation, as well as others which were not considered since the beginning as chances to get it. Then, we can mention that teaching evaluation is an allimportant process. Nevertheless, it is necessary to specify evaluation criteria to reach its goal. Up to date. this process is unfinisheds.
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