Keys for understanding a stellar history: interpretation, understanding, hermeneutics and political diversity

Main Article Content

Robert Ojeda Pérez


When reviewing the historiography of Colombia one can appreciate the different approaches with which history has been disclosed and taught. In that review, it’s revealed that both research and teaching of history require a new way to interpret and comprehend the social reality, on which the discursive intention of the speaker and the researcher are presented. In this article the political intention of history is analyzed when it wants to promote the memory of a society. That being so, it’s sought that the different actors of a community are taking into account when researching and teaching history, in order of being able to build new dynamics of participative citizenry from a common place of plural coexistence.
Author Biography

Robert Ojeda Pérez, Universidad La Salle

Magíster en Historia, Universidad de Los Andes; Candidato a Ph.D Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Bogotá, Colombia.