The myth of privatization and the chilean experience

Main Article Content

Jorge Vergara Estévez


In order to examine the Chilean experience the author analyses the privatization process of companies and State Wealth in Latin America. In the case of the Chilean model the negative effects of the privatization exceeds its positive consequences and disputes the neo-liberal theory that is apparent in each one, a source of economic efficiency and welfare for all. In the context of a new technological and scientific revolution, the role of the new economic classification and the world system of power, the neo-liberal reforms are basically, a political project that signifies the radicalization of the economic dependency and of the political structure of the peripheral world to the major developed societies and to its transnational companies. This confirms the interpretation of Stiglitz, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics.

Author Biography

Jorge Vergara Estévez, Universidad de Chile

Magíster y candidato al Doctorado en filosofía de la Universidad de París 8. Profesor de la Universidad de Chile y editor de Polis de la Universidad Bolivariana (www., de Santiago de Chile. Ha publicado diversos estudios sobre teoría neoliberal en libros y revistas universitarias en Europa y América Latina.