Inclusion of educative technologies in training processes for teachers of elementary school level in Universidad Católica De El Salvador

Main Article Content

Nery Francisco Herrera Pineda
Antonia Larissa Hernández Monterrosa


The main objective of this study was to incorporate educative technology in teaching-learning process of students who study the elementary school teaching professional program in first and second level. The methodology applied to this research was based on descriptive – evaluative model and it is focused on how to implement this method into the subjects of this program. Moreover, the adapting of teachers and students was evaluated in regards to thechnolgical tools used during tha class’ development. In conclusion, the use of innovative technology within the teaching-learning process assure that students attain a more significant learning. In addition, the training of formers who are responsible for future teachers’ education must update their knowledge about technology to improve their pedagogical practice.  

Author Biographies

Nery Francisco Herrera Pineda, Universidad Católica de el Salvador

Máster en Profesionalización de la Docencia Superior y Máster en Métodos y técnicas de Investigación Social, Universidad Católica de El Salvador.


Antonia Larissa Hernández Monterrosa, Universidad Católica de el Salvador

Máster en Profesionalización de la Docencia Superior y Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación con especialidad en Educación Parvularia, Universidad Católica de El Salvador, Red de investigadores del observatorio de la Diversidad Religiosa y de las Culturas en América Latina y El Caribe.