Devices, subjectivities and mathematics education

Main Article Content

Carlos Alberto Garzón


A reflection on the relationship between discourse and educational activities with regard to critical mathematics education and the constitution of subjectivities through educational devices arises. The power that is exercised in the teaching of mathematics is evident, especially from school devices with exclusive assessment practices where docile individuals are made of. These practices are part of international policy of standardization.
Author Biography

Carlos Alberto Garzón, Universidad Piloto de Colombia

Pregrado en Matemáticas, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Especialista en Innovación y Pedagogía, Universidad Piloto de Colombia. Magister en Educación, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Jefe Área de Matemáticas, Universidad Piloto de Colombia. Estudiante de segundo año del Doctorado en Educación y Sociedad de la Universidad de la Salle.