A praxeological view of the knowledge architecture in organizations

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Carlos G. Juliao Vargas


In his book entitled Architectures of Knowledge, Amin and Cohendet (2004) proposed an approach to how it is produced, stored, exchanged, and transmitting knowledge is recovered in enterprises, and beyond, humane organizations, giving priority to practices incorporated, registered and socially rooted in artifacts. This leads them to reconstruct the theory of mobilizing the collective knowledge. At the heart of this new conceptualization placed the notion of community, conceived as a place for conducting the social intersubjective practices. In order to do this, the book offers an epistemological, rich and well articulated vision that can be described as praxeology, as well as a methodology based on ethnography of flows of knowledge in organizations. A reading of this new conceptualization is proposed from the social sciences, highlighting the fact that the proximity between its epistemological roots (American pragmatism, enaccionism by Maturana and Varela, theory of the located action, socioculturalism and the movement of social science studies and technology) and a series of works that consider the cognitive processes and practices rather than as socially processes of registered information.
Author Biography

Carlos G. Juliao Vargas, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Director de la escuela de alta docencia, facultad educación Uniminuto.