The innovation: a reflection from the educational context

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David Andrés Andrés Sánchez Bonell


We are before deep changes to the interior of our culture, changes in its institutions, his praxis, its axiológic structure, the new and changing relations that settle down. The innovations are reflected in diverse social structures like the family, the State, the form to make policy, the customs. By such reason it is necessary to make this same exposition to the interior of the educative context. Which have been their changes in the time and with respect to the great and deep changes of other social institutions? To differentiate the educative changes to the interior of the school, its actors, its contexts, somehow allows to also recognize the importance of the innovation in the scholastic context like fundamental agent of qualification of the school and his practices.
Author Biography

David Andrés Andrés Sánchez Bonell, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Licenciado en Biología, aspirante a Magíster en Ciencias Universidad Nacional. Docente Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Docente catedrático de Uniminuto.