Building Educational Bridges: The IUTEA Project in Costa de Marfil

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Lina María Rincón Zúñiga


In the heart of West Africa and in one of the most developed countries on this side of the continent, Costa de Marfil, the Universitaria tecnológica Eudista de África-IUTEA was created, based on the integral model of our Institution, UNIMINUTO in Colombia and as an alternative to the growing need of young people for higher education in the sub-Saharan region.
The idea of IUTEA was born out of the desire to create an institution that would not only provide high quality education, but also respond to the specific needs of the local community. We envisioned a place where students could acquire practical skills that would prepare them for the challenges of the modern working world, fostering innovation and research. In this edition, we present a brief summary of what has meant the realization of an initial dream that today has become a reality for an African country: the creation of a higher education institution in Costa de Marfil, modeled on UNIMINUTO's processes and methodologies adapted and implemented according to Ivorian contexts and realities.


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