Socio-emotional competences of critical thinking and problem solving in university education

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Hortencia Rueda Lizarazo
Lourdes Canós-Darós
Cristina Santandreu Mascarell
Ester Guijarro


The purpose of this article is to analyze socioemotional competencies in the field of university education, as well as critical thinking and problem solving. Given that, according to the World Economic Forum, little research focuses on the relationship of these competencies in the area of managerial knowledge, despite their impact on future employment. Proof of them is that a literature review was made in the Web of Science database, by means of the keywords: "socioemotional competencies", "education" and "association to management", corresponding to the fields of management, economics and finance -search performed in August 2022-. In this research, 7557 articles were found, of the 500 most cited, only 27 showed some relation with the field of interest of the work, which shows a shortage of literature and research opportunities. Likewise, 15 documents from multilateral organizations (such as: the World Bank, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the World Economic Forum, the International Labor Organization (ILO), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) are also related to socioemotional competencies, from a multilateral or trade union perspective. These gaps between the academic literature and the studies of multilateral organizations have an impact on the differences in market expectations about the socioemotional competencies of workers and the offerings of higher education institutions.


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