Understand the importance of continuous training of the nursing teacher.

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Deivis Eduardo Lopez Escalona


The main purpose of this study is to understand the importance of continuous training of nursing teachers, taking into account that the health area is constantly growing with respect to new types of diseases, new equipment, new procedures, and there are teachers who are unaware these. For methodological support, the research focuses on a post-positivist-qualitative paradigm, with an interpretive approach, and to which a phenomenological - hermeneutic method was applied. For data collection, in-depth interviews were carried out with three nursing supervisors from various hospitals. And clinical centers, these are part of the teaching staff of universities in the Yaracuyana region (Venezuela). These three supervisors served as key informants to know from their perception what they think about the topic or object of study. For the analysis of data and results, we worked with a triangulation of the responses obtained during the interviews and the analysis was carried out by applying an interpretive hermeneusis of these responses. The result was a confirmation of the importance of continuous training and updating of knowledge for teachers in general. The conclusion is reached that although the teacher presents various reasons why he does not continue his training, this becomes a necessity to achieve quality education.


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