Emotional Intelligence: recent evolution and lines for its development in the educational field
Main Article Content
Emotional intelligence is considered a very important factor, which has a direct influence on the social and psychological well-being of both students and teachers. It makes it easier for educational agents to assimilate, understand and adapt to the characteristics of their environment, while contributing to appropriate decision-making in the face of dissimilar problems. Thus, the present study aimed to describe the main findings of a critical systematization of the literature focused on the study of emotional intelligence, as well as its repercussion in the educational field. A dominant model mixed methodology was used, where the qualitative approach was guided by a qualitative systematic review protocol. The results are shown based on the emerging categories and codes, while the discussion of the main findings is exposed based on historical and evolutionary logic, as well as the baselines for conducting new studies. In this way, it is evident that emotional intelligence plays a fundamental role in educational contexts, since it contributes favorably to the integral development of students and teachers.
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