Art pedagogy and its influence as a resilience builder in students with social vulnerability
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The educational realities of students account for different needs and vulnerabilities to which they are exposed and which in turn influence their physical, psychological and social development. Aware of this, the collective Territorio Teatral Okima Danza the Juan Evangelista Gómez School, intends to make those problems visible through the project “Voces Anónimas”, in which through narrative exercises, based on Augusto Boal's theater of the oppressed and combined with Paulo Freire's pedagogy of the oppressed,
students are able to transform their realities through the scenic actions of dance and theater.
Due to the impact of this project in its community, it is necessary to conduct an analysis whose general objective is to describe the impact of art as a resilience builder. For this purpose, a systematization of the experience was carried out, with a hermeneutic phenomenological approach, with a population of ten students belonging to the aforementioned project. The results obtained show that, through scenic actions, it is possible to externalize different problems, promote the mobilization of personal and psychological resources, strengthening self-esteem and security, develop the ability to make decisions and solve problems, foster empathy, creativity and humor, being all these factors characteristic of a resilient personality, which tends to personal and social transformation.
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