Dialogic learning, a process for strengthening communication skills

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Yadi Milena Pérez


Educational quality is an issue that in recent years has generated great concern derived from the low academic performance that is evidenced both in classroom practices and in the results of external tests. For this reason, it is necessary to determine the possible factors that affect this problem, finding that the lack of appropriation and significant use of communication skills are elements that influence learning processes and therefore academic results. For this reason, the idea of qualitative research arises, aimed at strengthening the communication skills of third grade students through dialogic learning. The data collection techniques used were: semi-structured interview, questionnaire and blog, which allowed the analysis of the results, which show a significant improvement in the communicative processes that directly influence learning, such as reading, writing, active listening and oral expression. It is concluded that strategies based on dialogue such as, for example, the dialogic gatherings, strengthen the students' communicative processes and allow them to improve their academic performance and thus lay in the student a solid foundation with which he/she can continue to strengthen his/her learning process in a much more effective way.


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