Knowledge and application of the School Mobility Plans by teachers and managers of some educational institutions in the city of Bogotá

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Luisa Fernanda Salinas Farfán


This research was developed with the aim of making known how the School Mobility Plans established by Decree 594 of 2015 are developed in the educational institutions of the city of Bogotá from the description of the knowledge that is had about it. As a methodology, a mixed, descriptive and cross-sectional approach was proposed based on the socio-critical paradigm, as information gathering tools a mixed type questionnaire with 18 questions was applied and a documentary review was made. The population sample selected in a non-probabilistic way at the convenience of the researcher was 81 teachers and directors of educational institutions in the city of Bogotá. The main findings show that 56% of the people surveyed know the School Mobility Plans, while 44% state that they do not have knowledge of them, the difference is not substantial, which allows interpreting that the School Mobility Plans do not have a significant impact on educational institutions in Bogotá. It can be said that, although some educational institutions have contemplated within the projects to execute PME, but they do not generate a real and committed awareness with the issue of road safety, to develop behaviors and attitudes for the safe use of roads relevant to the development of children and youth as passengers, pedestrians, cyclists and as novice drivers.


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