Strengthening social ties between families, boys and girls through Cinema

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Margarita Alicia Mesa
Andrea Pilar Vanegas Infante


The paper presents a reflection on the research process “didactic strategy based on visualities that favor the construction of scenarios that promote the strengthening of social bonds between parents and children”. In the early childhood stage, the family is the nucleus in which the initial social bonds of boys and girls are built, it is the center from which scenarios of closeness and recognition with oneself and later with the other arise, it is where the bases of their personality and their values ​​are formed, from there the behaviors that will develop over the years and will be an important part in the interaction with the world that surrounds them. Cinema today has become a setting where the family interacts more frequently, for this reason we see ourselves in the urgent need to use it as a tool since, through it, we will reach the world of visualities that are so present in this society. This article worked on a qualitative methodology with a praxeological hermeneutical approach, qualitative because it explored the phenomena present in the family and educational context, hermeneutic because it allowed the interpretation of that information that was collected and studied various realities from the perspective of 15 mothers who use the Hogar Infantil Estrellitas de Colores, and praxeological because during the follow-up that was carried out on this proposal, the four phases of the approach were applied: see, judge, act and creative return.


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