How to face education in the age of interactivity? Resources and tools for childhood and primary teacher´s

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Mari-Carmen Caldeiro-Pedreira
Ana Castro-Zubizarreta


The enormous quantity of technological devices and screens that all the publics use it turns out to be fundamental to be provided with resources that should integrate the social reality in the academic context. Beyond the country and international reports that certify the proliferation of technology and digital devices, there arises the need to be provided with manuals that should determine a proper waybill to contribute to the introduction of these new resources in the pedagogic ecology. A demand that justifies the contact of the móvildigital´s generation with the technology.

In addition, it becomes obligatory a modification of the educational politics and of the curricula, fact that not always takes place. For all this, in this investigation the Spanish curriculum is checked of infantile and primary and they are described of shallow form, part of the multiple existing resources, fundamentally in Spain, to teach with technology. This reality is related to 5 areas of the common frame of teaching digital competition and to 12 educational keys that are established for the digital society. In this sense, one does not think about how to offer pedagogic solutions to the changeable reality but there talks each other of make visible the legislative situation and the grade of presence of the TIC in the same one. There centers the interest the justification of the need for pedagogic change to teach the movildigitales across methodologies and resources that turn out to be familiar to them and that allow them to reach proper mean and functional learning of the education for competitions that focuses on the attention of the current pedagogies.


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