Educational innovation Precipitated or thoughtful action

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Oscar Colonia Alcalde


In the educational institutions today there is a component that has practically been foreign and a little strange in the classroom in the development and empowerment of the profession and professionalism of the teacher, as is the practice of formative research, which allows To demonstrate the achievements and cuasilogrados of the actors in the learning of the knowledge and schooled know-how circulating in the classroom.

Under this perspective it is urgent to emerge in the daily actions of the master pedagogical instruments such as: The Autobiography, The Pedagogical Diary, which enables the emergence of didactic tools that structure the transformation and innovation in the Classroom, to develop in the meetings, new ways of approaching knowledge, for which, is posed in didactic innovation from mathematics, the following pillars: A drawing, a reference for conceptual and procedural development, from the historical and from the social: The Rapporteurship, Considered as the black box of innovation, where they record the events and possible happenings that arise from the daily life of each meeting, she is segmented into sections to differentiate activities and strategies but are integrated to give Meaning to learning from different conceptual frameworks (sections); The self-assessment, That allows to transform an evaluation from the note, to an evaluation by the appropriate knowledge and The model, allows the crushing of the world to be seen in real and proportional dimension.


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