Teaching through games for better learning

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Olga Rocío Morales Beltrán
Zabdy Rocío Urrego Martínez


A qualitative-based investigation process was used in the present research, which includes an action-participation methodology. This methodology allowed the opening of an adequate leisure space for children in which pedagogical strategies were developed in order to explore game-based teaching. The implementation of a sustainable environment related project provided children with the meaning­ful experience of exploring in depth the environmental issues that surround them, particularly, related to Colegio Campestre Colombo Británico, in La Paz, Zipaquirá-Cundinamarca municipality. As a start­ing point, the implementation of PRAE –Proyectos ambientales escolares (School environment-relat­ed projects)- was supported by the development of ludic-pedagogical activities that help students ex­plore environmental issues. The ultimate goal of the project was the creation and implementation of an eco-park and a booklet with information related to its design and construction. The title of the guide is: Elaboration, use and pedagogical functionality of the attractions of a children’s ecological park. The whole project works as a strategic way to achieve game-based teaching for a better learning. The eco-park was built as a result of a necessity in the community. Practicants of the project, educational communities, such as pre­school students, parents, teachers and administrative stuff participated in this project.

Game, learning, teaching, eco-park, environment, education, strategy, 3R –reduce, recycle, reuse.