Published: 2018-04-05

Analysis of factors that affect the competitiveness of the solidarity organizations of the municipality of San Juan de Rioseco

Luz Esmeralda Clavijo Rincón, Angie Tatiana Ayala Quiroga, Sandra Katherine Cruz Molina, Jesica Ximena Moreno López


A look at solid waste management from corporate social responsibility

William Orlando Farfán Cuervo, Jennifer León Venegas


Voces seguras:

A strategy to prevent work-related accidents in the floriculture sector in Facatativá

Gloria Duperly Reyes Macías, Jorge Enrique López Lara, Elkin José Vizcaíno Flórez


Comfrey as a complement or vitamin substitute for the production of alternative foods in pigs

Katherin Yulieth Espinel Barajas Yulieth Espinel Barajas, Paulo Eder Veloza Muñoz, Juan Alonso León Beltrán


Concept of region

José Daza Acosta


Description of the intelligence profile in deaf children of la esperanza school

Zulamith Juribehy Castiblanco Garzón, Jessica Idaly Parrado Rincón, Hibeth Carolina Salamanca Becerra, Hugo Antonio Enamorado Ladino
